- [] (array access)
- = (assign)
- catch
- class
- , (comma)
- // (comment)
- {} (curly braces)
- /** */ (doc comment)
- . (dot)
- draw()
- exit()
- extends
- false
- final
- implements
- import
- loop()
- /* */ (multiline comment)
- new
- noLoop()
- null
- () (parentheses)
- popStyle()
- pop()
- private
- public
- pushStyle()
- push()
- redraw()
- return
- ; (semicolon)
- setLocation()
- setResizable()
- setTitle()
- setup()
- static
- super
- this
- thread()
- true
- try
- void
Datatype for bytes, 8 bits of information storing numerical values from 127 to -128. Bytes are a convenient datatype for sending information to and from the serial port and for representing letters in a simpler format than the char datatype. The first time a variable is written, it must be declared with a statement expressing its datatype. Subsequent uses of this variable must not reference the datatype because Processing will think the variable is being declared again.
// Declare variable 'a' of type byte byte a; // Assign 23 to 'a' a = 23; // Declare variable 'b' and assign it the value -128 byte b = -128; // Declare variable 'c' and assign it the sum of 'a' and 'b'. // By default, when two bytes are added, they are converted // to an integer. To keep the answer as a byte, cast them // to a byte with the byte() conversion function byte c = byte(a + b);
byte var
byte var = value
variable name referencing the valuevalue
a number between 127 to ‑128

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